We are conducting what is known as a randomised controlled trial. A randomised controlled trial tests the effects of an intervention with an alternative, this could be nothing, current or best practice or an alternative intervention. Participants are recruited for the trial and then randomly assigned by a computer programme to one of the trial groups. The research team have no say which group participants are assigned to.
In this trial, we are looking to test whether an intervention called Intensive Interaction is beneficial for children and young people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). We hope that it will improve their communication skills and their quality of life.
To do this, we are aiming to recruit 66 educational settings providing education to children and young people with PMLD.
In this trial, participants will be randomly assigned to receive an intervention called Intensive Interaction or to continue to receive their care and education as usual.
66 Educational Settings


X33 Schools receive usual care/education, and will receive Intensive Interaction training one year later (USUAL CARE)
X33 schools receive Intensive Interaction training and deliver it straight away (INTERVENTION GROUP)
We are looking for educational settings to take part in the INTERACT study. The study is looking at an intervention to support communication skills in children and young people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). Once an educational setting has agreed to take part, children and young people at that setting with PMLD will be eligible to take part. Settings will get in touch with parents/carers to ask them if they want to be involved. There is no obligation for anyone to agree and saying no will not negatively affect a child or young person’s care and education in any way.
If you are an educational setting considering taking part in the trial, please head over to our Information for Educational Settings page for more information and to register your interest.